ANCC Certification FAQs
Initial Applicant FAQs
Online Account
Q: How do I access my account?
A: Navigate to and select LOG IN from the top right corner of screen. Enter your log in identification and password, then select MY ACCOUNT from the top right of the screen.
Q: I’m having trouble finding my login. What should I do?
A: Your account login is your email address. Select ‘forgot password’ if you cannot remember your password. If you are still having difficulty with logging in, you may send an email to
Q: I need official proof of certification for an APRN and/or nurse. What should I do?
A: Review the verification webpage. For companies looking to set up a verification account for APRN/nurse certification credentials, please send an email to
Q: After submitting a request to VERIFY a certificants status online the request shows as IN PROCESS. What does the IN PROCESS status mean?
A: If a verification request shows a status of IN PROCCESS in our online account system, it means that either the clinician’s certification application review and/or examination review is not complete. A verification letter is not yet available with the status "in process” as the applicant has not completed requirements of certification review.
Verification letters are only sent for certificants who have completed the entire certification or recertification process. Verification letters will be sent for any applicant in this status who becomes a certificant after the entire certification or recertification process is complete.
Q: How do I change my name?
A: Your first and last name must be spelled correctly and match the first and last names on your government-issued identification. If any item is incorrectly listed in your account, please contact ANCC immediately by sending an email to
Requests for a legal name change due to marriage, divorce, or a court-approved legal name change must be sent, in writing, with a copy of the marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court-approved legal name change document. For clinicians who have applied in the past under one name and are currently applying under a different name, please note that ANCC requires copies of legal name change documents before proceeding with the application review process.
For fastest service, please send your name change request and supporting documentation via email to
Q: I am a member of another nursing organization. How do I obtain the non-ANA membership certification price?
A: Before starting your online certification application, enter your non-ANA membership number and expiration date in your online account. It is important that you do this prior to starting your online application. Your non-ANA membership discount will then be applied to your certification price at the time of payment, provided the non-ANA membership is applicable to the certification selected.
Q: I forgot to enter my non-ANA membership information in my online account before starting my online application and now I am unable to obtain the discounted certification price. What should I do?
A: Send an email with a copy of your non-ANA membership card showing the membership number and expiration date to to request assistance.
Application Instructions
Q:Where do I send supporting documents for my application?
A: First-time and retest applicants for FNP, PMHNP, AGACNP, AGPCNP, AGCNS, Informatics Nursing, Nurse Executive, Nurse Executive Advanced, and Nursing Professional Development are required to submit supporting documents for application. For fastest service, submit documentation via online upload by clicking here. These applicants may also submit via email at Review the Certification Application Document Submission Options webpage for more information.
Review APRN/RN SPECIALTY FAQs for more information about the types of transcripts accepted by ANCC. ANCC strongly recommends submission of e-transcripts. Sending hard-copy transcripts via U.S. postal service mail will result in a delay of application review.
Q: How do I check the status of my application? What does the status INITIAL mean?
A: Application statuses are visible in your online account. INITIAL status means that your application was successfully submitted and is scheduled for ANCC review.
Q: How do I withdraw my application for certification?
A: Review the Certification Withdrawal Policy/Procedure webpage. All withdrawal requests must be made in writing to
Upon withdrawal from any certification application, ANCC will retain the non-refundable fee of $140. For example, if you paid the application fee of $395 and then chose to withdraw or were deemed not eligible for the exam, ANCC would retain $140 and refund $255 for the review and processing of the application.
Preparing for the Exam
Q: How do I prepare for the exam?
A: Applicants may review ANCC Study Aids found at the bottom of each Certification information webpage. Preparation recommendations include review of Test Content Outline and Test Reference List for development of a personal study plan. In addition, Readiness Tests may be available for use. ANCC does not endorse any certification products or services, for example:
- Candidates are not required to use practice examinations and/or examination preparation materials offered by the certifying organization in order to sit for an actual certification examination.
- The use of practice examinations and/or examination preparation materials does not imply successful performance on the examination.
- The use of practice examinations and/or examination preparation materials does not give an advantage over candidates who do not choose to use them. The use of practice examinations and/or examination preparation materials is not the only or preferred route to adequate preparation for the certification examination.
Q: What is the pass rate for ANCC exams? How many nurses and APRNs are certified?
A: ANCC reports annual numbers of first-time test takers and number passed for all active APRN and RN Specialty certification. Review the annual ANCC Certification Data Report.
This report includes the total number of certified nurses annually both aggregate total and denoted per APRN role/population and RN Specialty certification. The total number of ANCC certified nurses is provided annually in the Grand Total row.
Q: How do I request special testing accommodations?
A: Review the Special Accommodations Procedures webpage. All special accommodations requests must be made in writing to
APRN Eligibility Requirements
Q: How do I know if I’m eligible to apply for certification?
A: Navigate to the certification program webpage and review the:
- description of the certification
- current eligibility criteria
- associated test content outline.
All eligibility criteria must be met prior to applicant approval and candidacy. APRN educational documents must clearly demonstrate eligibility criteria are met.
Educational documents must match final, official university transcript(s) including those of transfer universities. The applicant’s degree/post-graduate certificate, denoted on university transcript, must match, and directly align with, the ANCC certification per eligibility criteria and APRN Consensus Model.
Q: What does ANCC mean by “institution with a program” accredited by the CCNE, ACEN, or NLN CNEA?
A: Eligibility criteria require candidates to hold a role/population specific master’s, post-graduate certificate, or DNP from an institution** with a program accredited by a national nursing accreditor (CCNE, ACEN or NLN CNEA).
Please note that ANCC is not an accreditor of nursing education programs. ANCC’s review of accreditation is designed only for purposes of evaluating eligibility for certification. If you need more details specifically related to accreditation status of a program and/or institution, we encourage you to review the below websites directly:
Starting January 1, 2026, for post-graduate certificate (PGC) applicants, only PGC APRN program accreditation will be accepted for eligibility. Accreditation for APRN master’s or DNP programs will not be considered in leu of PGC accreditation, even if those programs contain parallel tracks to an instution's PGC program. Applicants must demonstrate their program held/holds an active PGC accreditation at the time of graduation.
Q: What does ANCC mean by “faculty supervised clinical hours”? Is proof of clinical hours completed in my program required?
A: Clinical hours must be supervised by a faculty member to be applied toward an individual’s certification application. ANCC will not accept work hours or practice experience for certification eligibility. Please note hours must be role/population specific and be faculty-supervised.
Clinical logs must be submitted with completed Validation of Education (VOE) form.
Q: I need to go back to school and am pursuing a Post-Graduate Certificate. How do I make sure that I am eligible for certification?
A: Ask your program faculty to conduct a gap analysis of the coursework and clinical hours from your previous graduate program. The results of this gap analysis will tell you what is needed to complete the school's post-graduate certificate program. Faculty are responsible for completing a gap analysis in consideration of ANCC eligibility criteria.
ANCC encourages faculty to review primary source documents (syllabi and course descriptions) from time of student completion when considering acceptance of transfer courses. Coursework listed on ANCC forms must be congruent with candidate transcripts including those transferred from previous universities. The VOE will be compared directly to university(ies) transcript(s) and will be returned if incongruent.
Faculty and potential APRN applicants should review posted eligibility criteria at the time of application and note:
- Work experience cannot be used in place of faculty-supervised clinical hours for certification eligibility;
- Coursework must be graduate-level, APRN-specific, and match the role/population of the certificate program;
- Courses that are population-specific must be carefully reviewed for congruence to the certification program and may not meet eligibility criteria.
The following courses do not meet eligibility criteria:
- Undergraduate level or generalist courses that are non-APRN specific
- Integrated courses (e.g., combined course that includes both advanced pharmacology/pathophysiology)
- Continuing Education courses (award CEU/contact hours)
- Non-APRN (disciplines outside of nursing)
ANCC reserves the right to request a more detailed accounting of educational demographics of applicants prior to continuation of application review. Requests may include, but are not limited to, the requirement to produce source documents such as course descriptions/syllabi from time applicant completed coursework. ANCC reserves the right to close applications where source documents are not provided. ANCC may contact the faculty program director with questions as needed.
ANCC will only evaluate courses presented on the Validation of Education form that were completed as part of a master’s, post-graduate certificate program, or Doctor of Nursing Practice.
Q: Will ANCC be increasing clinical hours above 500?
A: ANCC has endorsed the National Task Force (NTF) Standards on Quality Nurse Practitioner Education (6th ed. 2022) which has a minimum of 750 direct patient care clinical hours as a requirement to prepare NP population focused graduates for practice. Currently the ANCC Commission on Board Certification is monitoring the educational and practice environments. Our ANCC certification requirements remain at 500 faculty-supervised clinical hours.
Q: Will the DNP be an eligibility requirement for APRN certifications?
A: ANCC currently requires applicants to demonstrate completion of graduate degree/program, which include master's, postgraduate certificate, or DNP degrees. Although the number of schools transitioning their Master's-level degree program to the Doctorate is increasing, the DNP is not a requirement for ANCC certification or entry into NP/CNS practice.
While certification eligibility can change, the ANCC Commission on Board Certification does not have plans to implement a DNP requirement. The Commission continues to monitor the environment for signs warranting change.
Q: Will ANCC accept test out/course by exam courses for eligibility in lieu of the required APRN Core courses?
A: ANCC has provided public notice of an eligibility change effective 2024. Test out/course by exam courses are not currently screened for during application review.
Starting September 1, 2024, ANCC will screen for test out/course by exam coursework. Test out/course by exam will not be deemed to meet eligibility requirements for "completion of three separate, comprehensive, graduate level APRN Core courses".
Q: I've been seeing that many certifiers have time limits set for APRNs to pass their certification exam. Has ANCC set a time limit for APRNs to pass their certification exam from program/degree completion?
A: ANCC has sent public notice of a policy change effective 2026. There is not currently a time limit requirement from program/degree completion to successful certification examination.
Starting January 1, 2026, ANCC will implement a policy change to the certification eligibility for APRN applicants. Candidates for ANCC APRN certification must pass their examination within five (5) years of degree conferral from their applicable APRN degree or post-graduate certification program.
Please be advised that this policy solely applies to initial and retest applications for certification and has no bearing on the requirements for certification renewal. Applicants who have tested unsuccessfully in the past and have not earned certification, those who are licensed in a state that does not yet require certification, or those whose degree conferral date fall within a timeframe to be affected by this policy should consider testing prior to implementation.
APRN Application Instructions
Q: When should I apply for APRN certification?
A: ANCC recommends APRN applicants apply one month prior to graduation. For fastest services, applicants should create an online account prior to submitting application documents. APRN applicants can apply for certification prior to graduation given DNP applicants may complete role/population specific courses prior to completion of university degree requirements and official graduation. For other types of APRN applicants, degree conferral time length varies by university.
If applying for certification prior to final degree conferral, all coursework and faculty-supervised clinical hours must be completed and reflected on application documents. The applicant’s completion status must be verified through a completed VOE and transcripts.
The new VOE form, updated March 2025 is now available here.
Applicants applying ahead of graduation may be granted Authorized to Test (ATT) candidate status. Review ATT FAQ for more information.
Q: What does authorization to test (ATT) mean?
A: ATT status is an acronym for Authorization to Test. This status means that APRN candidates have met all eligibility criteria except for receipt of the final degree conferred transcript(s). Candidates may be authorized to sit for the examination after all coursework and faculty-supervised clinical practice hours for the degree are complete, prior to degree conferral and graduation, provided that all other eligibility requirements are met. The Validation of Education (VOE) form and official/unofficial transcripts detailing planning coursework and faculty-supervised clinical hour completion must be submitted before ATT status will be issued.
With ATT status, even if you pass the exam, you are not considered CERTIFIED until a final, official transcript(s) with degree conferral are received and reviewed. ANCC will retain exam results and issue certification only after all eligibility requirements are met, a passing exam result is on file, and a final, official transcript showing degree-conferral is received.
Candidates are responsible for ensuring ANCC receives final, official transcript(s) to reflect completion of program directly from the school.
- Review the Abandonment Policy webpage for more information on incomplete ATT applications.
Candidates in ATT status who do not pass the exam may apply for retesting. Review the Retest Policy webpage for more information.
Q: What types of transcripts can I use to apply for APRN certification?
A: ANCC accepts varying levels of transcripts for APRN applicants. Submission of official transcripts without degree conferral and unofficial transcripts may result in ATT status. ANCC strongly recommends submission of e-transcripts. Sending hard-copy transcripts via U.S. postal service mail will result in a delay of application review.
- Final, official transcript = transcript sent to ANCC directly from university and must show program of study, degree conferred, and date degree/post-graduate certificate was awarded
- Official transcript (*ATT Status) = transcript sent to ANCC directly from university, either via hard-copy mail or through an electronic transcript submission service missing degree conferral
- Unofficial transcript (*ATT Status) = copy of a transcript sent to ANCC from university OR applicant showing completion of an academic program OR a comprehensive record showing completion of an academic program.
*See ATT FAQ for more information.
Transcripts that appear to be altered will not be processed. ANCC reserves the right to reject any transcript that appears to be altered.
Q: I’m a candidate in ATT status who has passed my certification exam. How long do I have to submit my final, official transcript?
A: Review the Abandonment Policy webpage. Incomplete applications will be considered abandoned if a final official transcript showing degree conferral is not received within two (2) years after taking the national certification examination for candidates regardless of degree type. Abandoned applications will be closed, certification will not be awarded, and applicants must reapply at a later time for consideration.
RN Specialty Eligibility Requirements
Q: How do I know if I’m eligible to apply for certification?
A: Navigate to your certification program of interest and review the:
- description of the certification program,
- current eligibility criteria, and
- associated test content outline.
Use this information to compare with your current practice competencies and your current or desired role/responsibilities.
All eligibility criteria must be met prior to applicant approval and candidacy.
RN Specialty Application Instructions
Q: When should I apply for specialty nursing certification?
A: Applicants should apply after all requirements for certification eligibility are met. Review eligibility details for the certification you are seeking. International applicants should review the International Applicant webpage before contacting ANCC.
Review the General Testing Handbook for detailed information on ANCC Certification.
Q: I’m applying for informatics, nurse executive, nurse executive advanced OR nursing professional development certifications and have to submit a transcript. What types of transcripts are accepted by ANCC?
A: For RN specialty certifications requiring transcript submission (informatics, nurse executive, nurse executive advanced, and nursing professional development), transcripts must show degree conferral and date of degree/post-graduate certificate. ANCC strongly recommends submission of e-transcripts. Sending hard-copy transcripts via U.S. postal service mail will result in a delay of application review.
ANCC accepts both official and unofficial transcripts for RN specialty certifications listed above.
- Final, official transcript = transcript sent to ANCC directly from university and must show program of study, degree conferred, and date degree/post-graduate certificate was awarded
- Unofficial transcript = copy of a transcript sent to ANCC from university OR applicant that shows completion of an academic program OR a comprehensive record showing completion of an academic program; Must show program of study, degree conferred, and date degree/post-graduate certificate was awarded
Transcripts that appear to be altered will not be processed. ANCC reserves the right to reject any unofficial transcript that appears to be altered.
RN Specialty Application Audit
Q: I received notice my RN specialty certification application is being audited. What does that mean?
A: ANCC performs random audits annually for initial specialty nursing certification applications. Your application may be audited after candidacy and issuance of certification. If selected for audit, you will receive an electronic notification with instructions. You may be required to provide certificates of CE completion and written attestation of practice hours.
Failure to submit audit documents within the required timeframe that show achievement of certification eligibility criteria may result in the revocation of your certification. Review the Certification Denial, Suspension and Revocation Policy webpage.
Renewal Certificant FAQs
About Us
Q: What is the total number of ANCC certified nurses?
A: ANCC reports the total number of certified nurses annually both aggregate total and denoted by APRN role/population and RN specialty. Review the annual ANCC Certification Data Report.
The total number of ANCC certified nurses is provided annually in the Grand Total row.
Q: Who accredits ANCC Certification programs?
A: To receive accreditation, ANCC is required to meet the strict standards set by the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC) or the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). A peer-review process is used to establish these accreditation standards, evaluate compliance with these standards, recognize organizations that demonstrate compliance, and serve as a resource on quality certification.
Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification (ABSNC)
The following ANCC certification programs have been accredited by ABSNC:
- Adult-Gerontology Acute Care NP (AGACNP-BC ®)
- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care NP (AGPCNP-BC ®)
- Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-BC ™ )
- Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (across the life span) (PMHNP-BC ™)
- Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist (AGCNS-BC ™)
- RN Specialty:
- Ambulatory Care Nursing (AMB-BC ™)
- Cardiac-Vascular Nursing (CV-BC ™)
- Gerontological Nursing (GERO-BC ™)
- Informatics Nursing (NI-BC ™)
- Medical-Surgical Nursing (MEDSURG-BC ™)
- Nursing Case Management (CMGT-BC ™)
- Nurse Executive (NE-BC ®)
- Nursing Executive Advanced (NEA-BC ®)
- Nursing Professional Development (NPD-BC ™)
- Pain Management Nursing (PMGT-BC ™)
- Pediatric Nursing (PED-BC ™)
- Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing (PMH-BC ™)
National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA)
The following ANCC certification programs have been accredited by NCCA:
- Adult-Gerontology Acute Care NP (AGACNP-BC ®)
- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care NP (AGPCNP-BC ®)
- Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-BC ™ )
- Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (across the life span) (PMHNP-BC ™)
- Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist (AGCNS-BC ™)
- RN Specialty:
- Informatics Nursing (NI-BC ™)
- Nurse Executive (NE-BC ®)
- Nursing Executive Advanced (NEA-BC ®)
- Nursing Professional Development (NPD-BC ™)
General Renewal Instructions
Q: What do I need to do to renew my certification?
A: Certification renewal requirements are outlined in the
Certification Renewal Requirements Handbook. Review the handbook in its entirety including renewal policies, renewal of a lapsed certification, and renewal eligibility options.
Ongoing professional development components of certification renewal eligibility include 75 mandatory continuing education hours PLUS completion of at least one other professional development category outlined in the handbook.
Q: I no longer work in my certification specialty and think I can’t renew my certification. Are practice hours required for renewal?
A: The ANCC Commission on Board Certification created a flexible renewal model to ensure lifelong learning for all certified nurses and APRNs including those no longer practicing in certified specialty.
Review the Certification Renewal Handbook for complete information on eligibility options for renewal. Renewal requirements do not include a requisite for practice in specialty as preceptor/practice hours are one of eight professional development categories for renewal candidate selection. All candidates are required to complete CE for renewal PLUS at least one of the eight professional development categories listed. Optional categories include academic credits, presentations, EBP/QI/publication/research, preceptor hours, professional service, practice hours, and test/portfolio.
Renewal Requirements for Continuing Education
Q: How many times can I use ACLS, PALS, BLS, NRP or similar in a renewal cycle?
A: ANCC will accept ACLS, PALS, NRP or similar contact hours for all content in these courses one time during your 5-year renewal period.
Q: Which contact hours are ANCC approved?
A: Formally approved continuing education must meet one of the following criteria:
- Continuing nursing education (CNE) approved for nursing contact hours by an accredited provider or approver of CNE.
- Continuing medical education (CME) approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™.
- Education sponsored by organizations, agencies, or educational institutions accredited or approved by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), or the Commission on Dietetic Registration
- Education provided by one of these accepted agencies:
- American Nurses Association (ANA)
- American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
- American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
- American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA)
- American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM)
- American Psychiatric Association (APA)
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA)
- Emergency Nurses Association (ENA)
- National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health (NPWH)
- National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners (NAPNAP)
For a list of ANCC accredited organizations, review the NCPD webpage.
Q: If I do not have enough contact hours, can I combine/convert academic credits?
A: Yes. 1 academic semester credit = 15 contact hours and 1 academic quarter credit = 12.5 contact hours
APRN Renewal Requirements for Pharmacology
Q: What is the pharmacy contact hour requirement for APRN renewals?
A: All APRNs renewing their CNS or NP certification are required to complete 25 contact hours (CH) of pharmacology, as a portion of the mandatory 75 CH that is related to the CNS or NP certification.
Q: Does ANCC accept AMA PRA Cat 1 for continuing education credits?
A: Yes, for APRN renewals ANCC accepts AMA PRA Category 1 CE credits.
Renewal Application Instructions
Q: Do I need to send in proof of practice hours with my renewal application?
A: Certificants are required to sign an attestation within submission of a renewal application attesting to validity of practice hours. You will need to submit proof of practice hours only if your renewal application is selected for random audit. See renewal application audit FAQ..
Q: How far ahead of my expiration date can I submit my renewal application?
A: Renewal applications may be submitted up to one year prior to your certification expiration date.
Q: How do I enter my professional development in my ANCC account so that it automatically applies to my renewal application(s)?
A: ANCC recommends adding earned professional development/continuing education credits to your ANCC account in real time. Tracking ahead greatly simplifies the renewal process as account entries will be automatically pulled onto your renewal application. Tracking in the online system is outlined below:
- Once an online renewal application is created, all professional development entries from your ANCC account are copied into the application at that time.
- After a renewal application is created, new entries from your ANCC account will not be copied onto the renewal application.
- Additional entries must be entered onto the online renewal application if they are to be included.
- Entries made in the renewal application will automatically be added to the list in your ANCC account.
If applying for renewal of multiple ANCC certifications, contact hours from your ANCC account will copy into each unique renewal application.
Please retain the contact hour/CE certificates applicable for each specific application, deleting those that do not apply from the listing in the application.
Q: How do I withdraw my application for renewal?
A: Certificants may withdraw applications for renewal. If a certificant choses to withdraw a renewal application, certification would expire per expiration date. If interested in renewing after lapse, review Reactivation of a Lapsed Certification webpage for policy details.
ANCC must receive a written request to withdraw the renewal application before the certification renewal is issued. Certificants who withdraw before this period will receive an application refund minus an administrative fee. ANCC will retain a non-refundable fee of $140.
Renewal Application Audit
Q: Will my renewal application be audited? What happens if I don’t have my CE records?
A: ANCC conducts random audits annually for all renewal applications. If audited, certificants applying for renewal are asked to produce supporting documentation to show compliance with selected renewal criteria. See Certification Renewal Requirements handbook for audit materials that may be requested for each category of professional development.
IF selected for audit, certificants are notified by email and given deadline response date of 45 days. ANCC may extend an additional 30 days for certificants requiring more time. Renewal applicants who fail to reply to audit requests completely OR those whose documents do not show evidence that renewal eligibility requirements were met are sent to the Complaint Review Committee. Failing to meet renewal audit requirements may result in denial, suspension and/or revocation of certification. See Certification Denial, Suspension and Revocation Policy webpage and Complaints Against a Certificant, Applicant, or Non-Certificant Policy webpage.
Webinars & Stories of Inspiration from ANCC Certified Nurses
Webinars Hosted By The Advanced Practice Initiatives & Certification Outreach Team
The Advanced Practice Initiatives & Certification Outreach Team has hosted the below webinars that may be helpful to your certification journey.
- General Certification Related Content
- Content for APRNs
Stories of Inspiration from ANCC Certified Nurses
Enjoy monthly stories of inspiration brought to you by the Advanced Practice Initiatives & Certification Outreach Team:
- 2024 Stories
- May Edition: Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- June Edition: Celebrating 2024 Graduates
- July Edition: Celebrating French American Heritage Month
- August Edition: Celebrating Back to School Month
- September Edition: Celebrating Healthy Aging Month & Vascular Nurses Week
- October Edition: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, Pediatric Nurses Week, & Case Management Week
- November Edition: Celebrating Native American & Alaska Native Heritage Month
- NP Week Edition: Celebrating Nurse Practitioners
- December Edition: Year-End Celebration of Achievements with Support from the ANCC Success Pays® Program
- 2025 Stories
(Coming Soon)