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See You Now: Nurses Inspiring Nurses (Free for ANA Members)

Regular Price: $0.00
Online Course & CNE Credit Expiration: 09/30/2026
4 Contact Hours
Presented by Ana

Nurses impact other nurses in inspirational ways. The impact may be widespread, such as an internationally renowned choir healing through the power of the arts. Other times, all it takes is just one nurse's passion to catalyze a meaningful chain of events, in one case resulting in increased mental health awareness, successful fundraising, and the breaking of a Guinness World Record! Everyday, nurses inspire and empower each other. Listen to these incredible stories to hear how.

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70: Northwell Health Nurse Choir
Observed during May, National Nurses Month is a call-to-attention, action, and dedicated to highlighting the impact nurses have on people, communities, nations, and the planet. Given that May is also Mental Health Awareness Month, this year we’re particularly mindful of the impact that healthcare has had on nurses; of the specific challenges and dangers nurses have encountered, endured, and continue to endure; and the need to express our appreciation for nurses in terms of bold, urgent, system-level action, support, and investment.

In this episode we learn how a health system's leadership demonstrates their commitment to the wellbeing and flourishing of their team members; the rather unlikely story of nurses, singing, and stardom; and the surprising healing power of the arts. Special thanks to nurse and tenor singer Winnie Mele, RN, BSN, NE-BC, nurse and soprano singer Keshia Jaboin, RN, BSN, and Allison Lowenfeld from Northwell Health's corporate marketing team for sharing their story, experience, and voices.

72: Marathons with Meaning
Stigma and stereotypes can hold us back. In every part of our lives – work, family, hobbies, friendships – how we think others see us often shapes how we see ourselves, even when our capabilities far surpass what they or we believe. Nurses, in particular, face many external, stereotyped expectations. Many people have firmly held beliefs about who nurses are, what they do, where they work, their skills and weaknesses, and even what they wear. But nurses know better – nurses are widely skilled, deeply experienced, and are represented across every demographic and in many different settings. They experience the full range of human emotion, too; the strength and compassion they are known for, but also the vulnerabilities and challenges that go unspoken.

Samantha Roecker, RN has a “track record” (pun intended) of breaking many barriers and stereotypes and her success in competitive running combined with her experience as a nurse drove her to combine her passions to raise awareness and drive change for nurses. Frustrated by the lack of mental health resources for nurses, specifically those specifically addressing healthcare trauma and the pandemic, she knew more could be done. Inspired by British nurse and marathon record holder, Jessica Anderson, Sam embarked on a bold goal – breaking the Guinness World Record for fastest marathon run in a nurse's uniform, and raise thousands of dollars to support nurse mental health, in partnership with The American Nurse's Foundation, Moxie Scrubs and the 26.2 Foundation.

At the 2022 Boston Marathon, she did just that. In this episode, we talk with Samantha about the impact stigma has on nurses' ability to reach their full potential, what really defines a nurse, the power of mental health support, and the surprising overlap between nursing and competitive running.

77: Fostering a Culture of Inquiry
When COVID-19 first hit the US, the crisis response centered on equipment and hospital capacity. State, federal, and tribal leaders focused on setting up field hospitals, sourcing supplies, and mobilizing equipment. But the capacity shortfalls that most hampered our response were ultimately the country's nursing workforce. There were not enough nurses with the skills needed, in all the places they were needed. There still aren't enough.

Globally, health systems are struggling with historically high vacancy rates and low nurse staffing levels causing delays in care and safety concerns. All of which are driving nurses to exit the profession. Although these issues predate the pandemic, the immense physical and emotional strain of COVID-19 has precipitated a true talent emergency—one that requires urgent and substantial investments to create practice environments that attract, support, protect, respond to, and empower our nursing workforce to flourish and deliver their best.

In this episode we meet nurses Gaurdia Banister, PhD, RN and Hiyam Nadel, MBA, CCG RN who are building a culture of inquiry for a health system globally recognized for innovation. We learn how innovation serves as an essential tool for listening and learning from the frontline and caring for the staff's wellbeing and career fulfillment, and how problem-solving can be transformative for an entire institution.

89: Taking Care: Nursing’s Power to Change Our World
Celebrate National Nurses Month with this powerful, inspiring conversation with journalist and critically acclaimed author Sarah DiGregorio. In her new book, Taking Care: The Story of Nursing and Its Power to Change Our World, DiGregorio chronicles the history and power of nursing to create a healthier, more just world and make an urgent call for change in how we value and harness nursing expertise; and in this conversation, she explores and celebrates the breadth of knowledge, wisdom, and innovation that flourishes across nursing, with guests Tobi Ash, MBA, BSN, RN; Roxana Chicas, PhD, RN; Katie Huffling, DNP, RN, CNM, FAAN; and Sherri Wilson, DNP, MPA, RN.

Key Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify how stigmas surrounding mental health can hinder an individual's self-actualization.
  2. Describe ways nurses can create a healthier, more just world
  3. Articulate strategies others can appreciate nurses through bold, system-level action, support, and investment.

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American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) does not endorse any products or services.

Accreditation Statements

The American Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.


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